I just finished six fitted diapers for Miss C. In the cloth diapering world "fitted" diapers refer to diapers that do not need to be folded, have some sort of closure (these use snaps), but do not have a water proof outer shell (they need a cover). These are made with snaps so that I can have a snap down notch for her cord until it falls off, other diapers I've made I've used velcro.
They all have a minky outer, it is so soft, and should keep moisture from coming through! Every time Miss J sees me with the fabric she comes right over to pat it, lay her head on it, and kiss it (I know, I need to make a blanket for her out of it!). Inside most of them have suede cloth, except for one of the pink ones that has a brown minky with pink dots. The tan ones all have the cute monkeys in diapers print inside them. I'm happy with how these turned out, but I'm not sure how they will work since I've never cloth diapered a newborn before and right now I don't know anyone with a newborn. I'll have to wait a few months to try them on her. I'm just about done with her diaper stash, then I'll take pictures of it, I made some of them and she will even have an Air Force one that was custom made!
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