I've got a bunch of wonderful guys here! Rob is an awesome husband and father, and is teaching his sons well!
Rob has been taking such good care of all of us these days. He is letting me get the rest I need so that in three weeks I'll be set to go back to caring for six kids, doing home school, running the house, and feeding everyone (he is taking two weeks off, then my mom is coming for a week). He is feeding and caring for everyone and doing school with the kids, and he is doing it all with a smile on his face and a happy heart (and I think he is getting in some of his PhD work/reading too)! God is so good to have given him to me!
Today was errand day, and Rob took four of the kids with him to the commissary (it went well, I'm told). Mr. R asked if he could stay behind since it is his special helper day. He wanted to take care of Mommy and Miss C! How sweet it that? What a thoughtful young man he is! Now, I'm sure that having the playroom to himself to build with legos was a big draw too, but he was quite the eager helper! We shared a special snack of sliced apples with carmel dip while we watched Miss C sleep, but mostly I rested and he played with legos.

The boys are just as eager to come see Miss C every morning as the girls are (maybe even more

so?). They are very protective of her and always want to make sure she is okay. They love to hold her, or even just look at her and talk to her. I found Mr. R playing "peek-a-boo" with Miss C this morning, I guess she had started crying in her bassinet while I was in the shower and he had decided that this was the best way to calm her, and it worked! Her eyes were so big, just watching him!
What great guys God has given me!