Wow, two weeks sure have flown by! We've been having fun loving on Miss C and having some great family time too! I've been getting plenty of rest and I'm slowly getting back to "normal".

*Rob changed all of the sheets at one time, these two enjoyed the pile of la las and cuddles together for a while! You can see the piles of quilts/sheets in the back ground.
Miss C is doing GREAT! I took her in for her 2 week well baby appointment today. I was excited to see that she now weighs 8 lbs. 5 oz! That is 9 oz past her birth weight! She is sleeping fairly well at night (for her age/weight). She takes one 4-5 hour stretch each night and after that she goes to every 2-3 hours, mostly I'm just happy that she is making steady improvements on her sleep patterns. She is falling into a nice schedule during the day too. She is a very easy going baby, though she is not afraid to let us know if she really does not like something. Mostly she just loves to cuddle with mommy, and I am more than happy to cuddle with her!

Miss J is still in love with her new baby, maybe even more so now! She still comes in every

morning to check on "baby" and asks several times a day to hold her too. She loves to pat her head softly and kiss it and to point out her eyes/ears/mouth/nose/head/hands/toes! All of the
other kids are still enjoying her too, but mostly I think they are just enjoying having Daddy home and having him teach them for a change! Rob has been taking them on little mini hikes
and pulling out some of our camping gear to let them practice some outdoors/survival skills.
*this picture is of Mr R putting together his camp stove with his eyes closed!
Woohoo!!! She's just beautiful! Congrats to the H family!!!