Grandpa and Grandma arrived just in time for dinner on the 23rd, thats when Christmas REALY started! We did not have any big plans, just hanging out relaxing and playing with the kids. They brought a couple of gifts that needed to be opened early so on the morning of the 24th everyone headed outside to show Grandma and Grandpa how well they could ride their bikes. Grandpa pulled out a new scooter for the kids to share, but to save on arguments they brought their scooters too for the kids to play with. We were all having so much fun, and plenty of neighbor kids showed up too! Later we headed out for a quick trip to the ranch.

We had a few friends over for finger foods, hot apple cider, and treats in the evening. Grandpa had another gift for the kids, a telescope. This is a big cool one that was just as exciting to all of the adults that evening as to the kids! We got to see the moon in a way you usually only see in pictures, it was so much fun! (By the way, we were mostly having too much fun to take pictures, so we don't have many. Oh well!)
The kids got up early to do their stockings, then after breakfast we tackled the presents under the tree. The kids received books, science sets, blocks, train sets, legos and other wonderful gifts. They have been having a great time and we have plenty of fun for later too (we're spacing out some of the sets)!

I was given a couple of special gifts this year too. My dad passed down a family heirloom to me which was very special. The other treasure was a card Miss E made for me from all of the kids. It was a "thank you" card, listing off many things they are all thankful that I do for them! It was so sweet, and has been tucked away in a safe place.