The kids each received some money from Great Gram for Christmas, and it was burning holes in their wallets! So, off we went to check out the sales on the 26th!
Miss E found this cute little set on sale, it is perfect for her and she has had a great time playing with it so far!

Mr. R has had his eye on a large lego set for quite some time, but it was way too expensive for him. He checked on it anyways and found that it was on clearance. His Christmas money along with his savings was enough to buy it! He was so excited and had it put together in an amazingly short amount of time.

Mr. M had his heart set on a skateboard, but had misplaced his wallet and we were sure a skate board would require both his Christmas money and the money in the wallet. What a lucky boy he was to find a skate board for the exact amount in his hand! Now if it would only stop raining and dry up a bit he could get out and try it out!

Mr. S did not have anything special in mind, but he found the perfect toy for him. He has been making the little disks fly all over and catching them in the basket.

Miss J had her selection made for her. She was trying to swipe the little panda that Miss E received from Mr. R from the time she opened it. We picked out a similar honey colored bear for her and she has been loving on it ever since.

*as you can see by the picture the problem was not fully solved, but she is not asking for Miss E's nearly as much!
Miss C has not picked anything out yet, I'll find something soon enough for her though I'm sure since she is growing like a weed! Right now all she really needs or wants is to be loved on, and she gets plenty of that around here!

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