Well, we are experiencing California's version of winter weather this week.
Rain. Lots of rain. It comes with wind, thunder, and lightning. Its been fun. Especially for the two little boys that received weather stations for Christmas in their science kits!

We've stayed inside and kept ourselves busy. Daddy ran out of chocolate chip cookie dough (I keep little balls of dough in the freezer all ready to be baked up whenever we need them), so we made some up instead of running errands in the rain. The best part of this job was, of course, eating them! We did manage to save some for daddy!

With all these kids running around inside bouncing off the walls we've needed something to channel that energy. We had received a game from Aunt H for Christmas, so we pulled that out. The kids have been having fun jumping and spinning around doing that game for the last couple of days once we are done with school. We've also had plenty of forts built and wrestling matches too.

As the kids were peering out the window at the storm raging yesterday the lights began to flicker. I mentioned that maybe the power would be going out soon and it may be a good idea to flashlights handy. Oh the excitement! This is what the boys have been preparing for! An "emergency"! They sprang into action and found all the flashlights (cause little boys always know where those types of things are to be found)! The power went out right before dinner time, but everything was already in the oven cooking. By the time I checked on the food it was done and ready to eat! The power came back on right after dinner, just about the time I was starting to think about having to hand wash all of those dishes.
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