Rob took us all to Mac World yesterday! He had fun showing the kids around the expo. The kids had a great time checking things out and picking up swag! I think it was fun for them to see how these things work since Rob goes to conventions from time to time.

Rob made sure they all had backpacks to put anything they picked up in. The kids all did a great job of following Rob and sticking close to him. They were all so well behaved and polite. Miss J got to ride on Rob's back most of the day in our new Ergo. It worked out very well, except that at first she was not impressed with it. She did not mind after a while

and I think she enjoyed the day too. I'm sure it did not hurt any that many of the booths were handing out candy!
We were there for a few hours and the little ones had started to get tired, so we rested for a while (or in Miss J and C's cases, they got to get out and stretch their legs), but Rob took some of the big kids back in a couple of times. While we rested the kids got to play with some of their swag like the little spinners, flashlights, and the ear buds (had to borrow an iphone from mom or dad to use those though).

We headed home late in the afternoon and stopped at a Mimi's Cafe on our way for dinner. The kids were so excited, we don't go there often, but it is a place they love.

Miss J had had a cold a couple of days earlier, and by evening we could tell she had been very generous in sharing her germs. Miss C, Mr. S, Mr. M and I were all feeling very stuffed up last night and Mr. R was complaining of feeling a little sick this morning. I guess we'll be having a quiet week-end resting up and getting better.
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