Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A visit from Aunt Ellen

One of my dearest and oldest friends came up to visit me this past week-end (actually she is my very first friend, since we have a picture of her sister (2yrs), her (1yr), holding me (3-4 months)! It has been a long time since our days of playing dress up/house, cooking experiments, roaming malls, and dreaming of life as a grown up! Life has not quite taken us where we had expected (does it ever?). I met and married my prince charming, who swept me away to the military life, she got busy with life and a career. We've still stayed in touch and done our best to see each other whenever one of us happened to be in the same area as the other, but they were always quick visits that never seemed to allow for a real reconnect.
Recently Ellen met HER prince charming and her wedding is just months away! She is in the midst of planning her wedding and getting ready for a move too. Somehow she managed to find time to come up here for a visit!
I loved reconnecting with Ellen after all these years! I loved how we were able to connect in so many ways despite how the years have changed us, she is a dear friend and such a blessing to have in my life. Our late night chats were so special. She brought along her computer so that we could go over wedding plans and ideas. She has a wonderful day planned out! It was so much fun and so special to have a part in her wedding plans and hear where she would like help from me!

It was such a blessing to have Aunt Ellen here while Rob was gone. The kids just adored her (even Miss J, who is normally quite stand offish, was in love with her at first sight!), making a week without daddy much more fun and much easier on me! The kids were obsessed with building a tower of legos that would touch the ceiling, Aunt Ellen joined in the fun and helped them accomplish their goal!
Miss E had fun with Aunt Ellen, cooking and drawing. Miss E treated us all
to a tea party and she made snickerdoodles for the treat! Miss C got her first TINY taste of frosting from Aunt Ellen who felt sorry for the poor baby having to miss out on the yummy home made doughnuts.

This was truly a special visit and one I will treasure! I am looking forward to being there at her wedding in just a few months.


  1. awe, thanks gabe! it was a very special visit for me too!

  2. Thanks, Ellen, for being such a good and "old" (hey, she said it, not me) friend for Gabe.
