We started our second morning with the "sheep's eye" learning station (well, we did have breakfast first). We had a bunch of very enthusiastic kids for this one. Rob let Miss E do one while he did one as well. She seemed to do a very good job of following along. I stayed busy with Miss C and Miss J (she was interested, but it just did not hold her attention).

We lost Mr. M part way through it. He decided he needed to get some air. I think that playing in the great outdoors was more appealing to him. Just to make sure we did not end up with a mess on our hands though, we let him sit in a chair right outside the open door.

The "taste" learning station was a fun one. We learned about how we taste, and then Rob and I got to feed our blindfolded children various foods and let them guess what it was.

Next was the "hearing" learning station. They had a little script to read off, and then got to listen to some sounds and guess them after learning a bit about the ear.

I spent quite a bit of time in the back of the various sessions with Miss C.

After lunch I took the little girls for naps, then we all met up for paint ball! Our kids were all too young for the actual game so we all just enjoyed the chance to shoot the paint ball guns at targets.

Miss J was so excited to get to see her friend Miss E again. They were so cute sitting together!

Miss E and Mr. R took part in the "talent" show that evening.
We had some wonderful family time this time at camp, and had some wonderful fellowship with some great friends (both new and "old")! It has been great to see how God worked through this trip to camp, and we are excited to go back again!