Wednesday, November 3, 2010

little mommy

Miss E has always been a great help to me around the house. In the last few months though, it seems that she is really growing and maturing and wanting more and more responsibilities. What a blessing that is to me, and the rest of the family! She has taken over much of the baking, which I miss a bit, but it is a great help to me and a nice break. She has also been looking for opportunities to serve me by caring for her little sisters.

She often asks to carry Miss J or Miss C in an ergo while she does her jobs. Both of the little girls enjoy this treat! She has also started changing diapers too! Don't feel sorry for her, that she is working so hard, or think I may be taking advantage of her. She is getting paid for many of these jobs! :)

1 comment:

  1. She is such a good mommy helper!! She is sure growing up into a fine young lady.. You are very blessed Gabe..
