A few weeks ago we were visiting some friends and were served a
wonderful baked oatmeal for breakfast (the link is to Stacy McDonald's recipe, which is the one my friend used). I've made baked oatmeal before, I didn't like it so much. This recipe was GREAT and so easy. Miss E and I have played with the spices a bit, and it always turns out yummy! One batch plus a few sliced bananas is just right for us, but I'll have to make more in a year or two.

We've been having this many mornings instead of our regular oatmeal. With real maple syrup drizzled over it and some sliced bananas this makes a wonderful breakfast that almost everyone loves (in a family our size you just can't please them all, but some just are not breakfast eaters anyways). Mmmm.... Now I'm hungry! I can't wait for breakfast tomorrow!
This is the second recipe I've seen for baked oatmeal. I'd never heard of baking it before. I'm going to have to try it!