The general theme of camp was survival skills, and our family enjoyed practicing ours and learning more! Our first class was "land navigation" which was map and compas skills.

After that Miss E started doing some face painting with a friend of hers.

Rob and the boys headed off to "shelter building." Miss J enjoyed the area that was set up for the little ones to play in.

In the afternoon we had free time for recreation. Miss E painted Miss J's face.

Mr. M did the "leap of faith" as did Rob.

Rob taught a knot tying class (the next day he taught two).

Most of the kids did the zip line!

Waiting for the evening activities to start....

Mr. R was checking out the BCI display.

The "police" in the Underground Church game.

*Miss J and Miss C came down with colds just as we arrived at camp, and Miss C was teething, so my time was spent caring for them and helping them participate when they could.
What a great camp! Too bad for babies with colds. =(