While the men spent most of their time in meetings, the women and children had plenty of time for visiting and playing games!

They also had the "adventure recreation" open at the camp. The older kids were allowed to go do that either in pairs or along with another family we knew well. I kept the little girls with me at the main field. They were quite happy to play with rocks, dirt, grass, pine needles etc. Miss J jumped at the chance to ride on a motercycle, and Miss E was happy to go along with her! Unfortunatly I had not anticipated such wonderful sunny weather and Miss J, Miss C and I ended up with sun burns.

The first evening there they had a talent show. The young adults did a great job on their "welcome to California" song, and we had plenty of music and skits and even audience participation! Mr. R gave his speech on Foxe's Book of Martyrs, and did a good job. Miss E recited the entire "Seven Silly Eaters" book (about 8 minutes) and amazed everyone with her ability to memorize so much! Both spoke clearly, made eye contact with the crowd and made their mommy and daddy proud!

The next day Rob skipped most of the meetings in favor of some quality family time. Miss J had asked to go on the zip line, so we headed up there first thing! Once we got up there she was a bit reluctant, but after watching a couple kids go down she was excited again. She looked so tiny coming down, and showed no emotion at all (which is how she deals with such events, she takes it all end and waits until it is all done to show that she likes it. You never know when things could turn ugly, so its best to wait to show approval! ;) ).

They were a bit short staffed up there, and being regulars up there the guys in the family knew just what to do! Rob and Mr. R spent all of their time up there helping out. The other two boys helped a bit too, when they were not waiting in line to go down the zip line. Later in the day Rob headed into meetings (taking Mr. S with him) and I took the girls to nap. The older three headed up to the zip line. We were later informed that Mr. R spent THREE HOURS working at the zip line! The staff that he was helping up there were so thankful for his hard work and commitment that they bought him ice cream and gave him an official staff shirt!
We enjoyed the time up there and had a great time of fellowship! We stayed an extra night there to make getting to church a bit easier, but ended up having to deal with a few inches of snow in the morning instead! The kids thought the snow was great fun, and once we got out of there safely Rob and I thought it was fun too! (sorry no pictures, we were too busy trying to load up).

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