For the last year or so we've been using and I'm so excited to get to review their service and give away two free 4 month memberships!
Like other similar services out there you make up your rental list on their web site, and they send you your DVDs through the mail. No late fees, yay! The difference is that ALL of their movies are family friendly/Christian movies (some are not suitable for younger viewers due to subject matter, but for maturity reasons not because of obscenities etc.)!
There have been many times that we've heard about a certain movie that we would love to see, but it seemed that the only way to watch it was to purchase it since it was not widely available. We don't buy a lot of movies because of the expense and because it results in more "stuff" in the house, so we were missing out on some great family movies and some wonderful documentaries etc. Then we started using's rental service (they sell DVD's too).
One aspect that we like is that when you mail in your DVD, you can immediately mark it as mailed on their web site, and they will send your next DVD right out, so you get your next movie sooner!
Some of our favorite movies that can be found on are...
Runner from Ravenshead
- "little rascals meet Indiana Jones" this sweet movie is made by a family with five children (but this is no home video!), and they ONLY use their 5 kids as the actors! We've
mentioned this movie before. Rob and I enjoyed the movie and thought it was sweet. Our kids LOVED it! (Rob was also impressed by the high production value.) This film received the
Audience Choice Award at the 2010 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival.
The Widow's Might
- A great movie about standing up for others, and for what is right. This film received the
Best of Festival Award at the 2009 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival.
Torchlighter series
- a great kid's cartoon series of great men and women of the faith. We've seen a couple of them and look forward to seeing more!
Now for your chance to win one of two free four month memberships (at the MV2 level which is 2 DVDs out at a time!).
1. Post a comment here (with e-mail address or other way to contact you should you win)
2. Check out their site and let me know what interests you on their site (leave another comment)
3. Be a follower of my blog (leave another comment)
4. FB or blog about this giveaway (leave another comment for each one)
I'll run this giveaway for about a week.