Since we'll be moving in a few months I figured it was about time to take the kids down to the water to get a good look at the wild life in the area. I'm not saying we've never done that, we've been down by the water plenty of times, and spied an otter or two and some seals, but never went to THE spot for such viewings.

I worked the plan into our regular errand day, and it worked out very well. When we first got there I was a bit worried that I had chosen the "off season" or just the wrong time of day, but it didn't take long before I could hear those Sea Lions barking! We just had to follow the sound!

There were seals and (mostly) sea lions all over the rocks by the dock, and they were LOUD! The big kids had a great time running along checking them all out. Miss J was not so sure what she thought of all of the noise and large animals. Miss C was content with the view from her stroller as she munched on her snack.

Miss E spied a Sea Gull on a nest, it yelled at the kids letting them know they were way too close. They threw some goldfish crackers in its direction and it happily got up to munch on them, at which point the kids were delighted to see three eggs in the nest!

Miss E has some great eyes, she also spotted crabs and star fish by the water.

Up in the parking lot we came across a starfish that was desperately lost, but the kids had a good time looking at it!

To add some more fun to the day I made a special lunch for the kids to eat at the picnic tables down by the shore. I made Peanut butter and Jelly fish sandwiches, string cheese octopus, and of course we had goldfish!

***yes, I realized the octopus is missing a leg. He had an unfortunate accident!***

I'm linking to Fun for kids Friday at Smilemonsters
It looks like you and the kids had such a nice day. Thanks so much for linking up with Fun for Kids Friday. Have a great weekend! : )