Over the last few months it would have been very easy for me to stress and worry about how things were going to work out once Mr. K came along and I would be in need of rest and recovery and my husband would most assuredly NEED to be working on finishing his Phd all while we prepared for our move.
I realized early on that I needed to trust God in all of this, that only He could provide for us in this time and worry would only make things worse.
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:32
I will confess that I did find myself slipping into worrying from time to time, but for the most part I was able to take those worries to God and trust Him. I also did what I knew I could do to
prepare our family and home for this time.
I just have to Praise God for all of the blessings he has poured out on us through the body of Christ! He has provided above and beyond what I could have imagined, and it has all been OFFERED to us before we could even ask!
A friend came to help for a week before Mr.K was born, helping me both emotionally and physically through those rough last weeks of pregnancy. God had put us on her heart and she offered to do this for us a few months ago. Another young woman came for a few days to help with kids and meals!
She had spent a day with us along with a couple of her siblings and it seems she had so much fun that she wanted to come help us after Mr. K was born! What a blessing these two young women are to our family!

Some dear friends of ours were due to move away at the end of July (after having their 5th baby!), but God had other plans for them. Their assignment here was extended by a whole year! They have been such a blessing to us. They offered to watch our kids during labor and delivery, and Mrs. F even made our traditional cupcakes for the kids to take to Mr.K in the hospital! As if that were not enough Mrs. F made us several meals and took the kids for a couple of days so I could rest and Rob could work! Wow! I don't know what other plans God has for their extra year here, but He sure did provide for us by keeping them here longer! We are going to be so sad to move away from these dear friends.
Out of the blue flowers were delivered one day.... From our family at
CVP! We are so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful church family and are going to miss them all dearly when we move!

Several other friends have brought or are planning to bring meals, some of them from quite a distance! Just knowing that these meals are taken care of makes the coming weeks look so much easier for me, what a blessing to have friends help me care for my family and allow my husband to work without worry of his wife getting enough rest and recovery time!
My mom came out for a few days too! She always comes when I have a baby to help out. This time the timing is just right to allow Rob to get some extra time at work and to help us out at a local church gathering that the kids were really wanting to go to. Nana's visit is very exciting for the kids too!
God has even provided a family on the other end of our move to help us out! We've never met this family (they are friends of friends), but they have already gone "above and beyond" to help us in our
search for a home, and just assuring us of having some friendly faces in town when we get there!
What a blessing it has been to see God providing and protecting in these ways as we start this adventure. I'm looking forward to what he has in store for us in the coming weeks and months as we go through this transition time trusting in HIM!
"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! " Matthew 7:11