Friday, December 16, 2011

Early Unwrapping

We received a package from G'ma and Grandad the other day, and while we usually wait until Christmas to unwrap gifts there was a note encouraging us to open the gifts early.  So we did.

Many of the gifts were books from G'ma's library, which will be very useful for school!

The kids are very excited about their new books and have been spending quite a bit of time looking at them or reading them (depending on the age).

It looks like a trip to Starbucks and a bit of shopping is in store for our family too!  Everyone got some cash and a Starbucks card!  How fun!


  1. What wonderful and thoughtful gifts! I hope they enjoy them all! :-)

    Hope this last week before Christmas is a wonderful one for your family.

    Many blessings,

  2. Wonderful job G'ma and Grandad!

    Merry Christmas sweet friends!
