Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Mr. M!

We celebrated Mr. M's birthday this past week-end.  He got quite a bit of celebrating in since it was a holiday week-end but his birthday DAY was packed full of Mr. M fun!

He had a good time opening his gifts.  He got all he wanted and more...books he had been eyeing, a knife given by a very thoughtful big sister, a saddleback wallet so he could have a piece too and a couple miscellaneous gifts thrown in too!

He wanted to try something new for breakfast and picked these eggs cooked in a ham "crust."  They turned out very well and were easy to make and eat.


For his birthday lunch he requested sack lunches of granola bars, applesauce, cheese and juice boxes so that we could go to the skate park.  We told him it would be too hot for the skate park, but lucky boy it turned out to be a cooler morning and we did go.

*Oh look, he talked Daddy into letting him have a cherry coke!  He looks like one cool dude with the sunglasses too.


After the skate park was the Rock climbing walls.  All of the boys (except Mr. K of course) did the rock climbing.  Daddy was just going to spot, but it looked like so much fun he ended up climbing too!

Miss E did not want to climb and the little girls were a bit too little for this so we had some special girl time including shopping and getting ice cream!

Mr. M requested baked potato soup for his birthday dinner.  He had also requested squirrel cup cakes so we decided that watching Over the Hedge would be fun since his cup cakes ended up looking more like "crazy rabid squirrels".

The heat does not combine well with frosting and constructed cupcakes.  These were falling apart as we put them together.  We barely got one picture of one looking partly decent.