Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Still on vacation...Homeschool convention

When we picked the dates for Rob's week off we had no idea that it was the week of the homeschool convention in Phoenix.  Since this convention allows kids to come too we figured it would be fun to bring them with us.

We only made it to three of the workshops.  We made it to the two Key Note morning workshops, one each morning.  The kids did great through those.  I had packed some quiet activities for the little kids and lots of snacks for them as well.  Clip boards with paper came in handy for all of the kids.  As for Mr. K....Did you know that a double stroller makes a handy little activity center for babies?  He was quite content for most of the hour and a half to just cruise around the stroller checking out the basket from time to time to see if there may be a new toy, heading to the tray for a snack, and making a transfer from time to time to my legs.

I took all of the little ones and Miss E to a second workshop the first morning.  It was about what is needed during Jr. High (yea, we're there!).  Miss J and Mr. K fell asleep.  Miss E was my right left hand gal by taking care of Miss C for me.  The Ipad really came in handy there.


*This was the ONLY time I remembered to take ANY pictures.  We were way too busy spending all of our money researching curriculum for the next year and enjoying the time to take pictures.

The rest of the convention was spent in the exhibit hall.  We were looking for a few things and really needed to be able to look with our eyes at the real thing, and touch/flip through them.  The kids had NO complaints about this turn of events (we had warned them that they would be sitting in workshop after workshop).  Most of the vendors had bowls/buckets/jars of candy setting out.  It seemed that the rest had some sort of craft, toy, or activity sitting out for the kids to try out.

We came home with way too much great stuff for this school year.  We also came back better prepared and encouraged for the coming year.  It was a good time for the whole family and I'm really glad we all got to go.

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