At least Miss C is sure it is. No, we don't know yet. The topic comes up nearly every day with her. She is known to sit down, pat my growing belly and start this conversation (or something like it)...
Miss C- Mommy will you read me a book? Three girls on the couch, you, me and baby ___ (she has the name picked out, you know).
Mommy- You know it may not be a girl, God may give us a boy.
Miss C- (with a "thats crazy talk" look on her face) We can't have two baby boys! We already have one, we can't have two.
Mommy- Well, you know Mr. K isn't much of a baby anymore. We wouldn't have two boy babies. Besides, God sometimes gives families two boy babies.
Miss C- No Mr. K is still a baby. It will be a girl, named ___. Here read me this book.
I suppose there really is no point to these conversations until the ultrasound when we have a better idea of "who" is on the way.