Monday, May 27, 2013

Visiting Uncle D and Aunt M

After leaving Oklahoma we headed out to visit Uncle D and Aunt M.  They told us about a huge candy store that they thought the kids may like that was on the way to their house.  There were HUGE billboards for about 18 miles advertising this store.  Our kids have learned over the years that we know they would like to stop at such places (and that we like to bless them) and that it is wise to just stay quiet and not ask (asking and begging is not the way to go).  The silence was deafening in the back of the van as we approached the exit.

Everyone had a great time exploring all of the candy, and got way too much.


Uncle D scuba dives and had just gotten some new tanks that needed to be filled.  Everyone but me and Mr. K (he needed a nap) went to the dive shop.

Then they came home to try out the equipment and play in the pool.


Aunt M had the great idea to do a "drive-in-movie" one night.  The kids each decorated a box as a car and pulled up into the living room in front of the TV.  We watched Dumbo, had pizza and took a break to make up ice cream sundaes.  What fun.
Thanks Uncle D and Aunt M for the visit!  It was wonderful getting to see you!

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