Friday, July 26, 2013

Jump Rope camp

Our friend and piano teacher put on a jump rope camp this week.  Three of my kids jumped at the chance to go right away (Miss E, Mr. M, and Miss J).  At the last minute Mr. S asked if he could join in after jump roping with some friends over the week-end.  Mr. R spent the first hour of the first day watching before he decided it looked like everyone else was having loads of fun; he wanted to join in.  So my five oldest all spent the week learning to jump rope, including tricks!

Every morning we were out the door by at least 7:30, if not sooner (having had breakfast, done Bible reading, cleaned the kitchen and picked up around the house).  Every morning the kids packed up a basket full of jump ropes and water bottles.  Every morning I packed a bag full of snacks, toys, activities etc for little kids.

When they started the kids could barely jump rope (if at all), by the end most of them were doing small tricks and had just generally shown great improvement.  Most of all I was proud of all of them for sticking to it and working hard.  They were all sore the first couple of days, but kept going.  It was quite a work out and exhausting, but they all kept going.  


Miss J was one of the youngest there.  She had been warned that it would be hard work and a long morning.  She stuck to it every day determined that she IS a big kid!

The little kids (Miss C and Mr. K) enjoyed playing with many of their friends and watching all of the bigger kids.  They even tried a bit of jump roping themselves.

We had a great week.  It is always great to see the kids learning new skills and pushing themselves to keep going, even when it is tough.  I'm glad the early mornings are over for now, 6:20 Bible reading time in the morning is going to feel like sleeping in for a while!

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