Then we headed over to Slappy Cakes with Cousin A and Uncle T (and Nana, of course!). At Slappy Cakes they bring you your pancake batter in a squeeze bottle, the griddle is at your table, and you make your own pancakes. The wait is rather long to get into this place, but it was worth it! We had so much fun making fun designs and mixing the batter flavors. The toppings were delicious as well. Oh, and the chicken fried bacon? Yea, YUM!

On our way home! It was GREAT to visit friends and family, but we were ready to get home to our guys.
A picnic in the Seattle Airport.
Our last flight was not fully booked, so Miss A got to have her own seat! Since I suspected this would be the case I asked ahead and was able to bring her car seat on board. She was happier traveling the last leg like this.
Home may be wherever the Air Force sends us, but Portland sure is a special place!