Monday, June 29, 2015

Hospitality to "strangers"

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.  Hebrews 13:2

While we sure are enjoying this house and are so glad we get to live here, we did not purchase it wholly for our own benefit.  We could have lived in our small house for years to come and our family would have done fine in it.  What we felt we were missing was hospitality.  It was hard to host families/gatherings in that house.  The layout did not lend itself to hospitality and the size was limiting especially in the winter.  We were looking specifically for a house that would allow not only for regular hospitality, but plenty of room for families (or missionaries, pastors etc.) to come and stay.
I smiled at this sight.  So many cups sitting out day after day was a sweet reminder (the few times) the house was quiet that week...all the dear souls that were staying in this home and the fellowship they represented. :) 

Very quickly the opportunity presented itself to host a family that we did not know but was in need of a place to stay for a bit.  How could we pass it up?  They joined us for dinner and family worship after church on Sunday.  We just love sharing that time of worship with other families and it tends to bring a special closeness.

The family had some sight seeing destinations planned during their stay, but it was great to see our kids enjoying some time together as well when they were here at the house.

By the time this sweet family left we were no longer strangers, but friends.  This is why we love this sort of hospitality, we are able to build up and encourage others and we are left encouraged as well.  It is the building up of the Body of Christ.


  1. How wonderful! Reminds me of the sweet times we have shared with your family! Love you guys! :)

    1. Rebecca- I was thinking of you all when I wrote this. We sure miss you all. Come for a visit! We love you too!
